Library Policies




The library telephone number is 435 563-3555
Library hours are Monday through Thursday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, Friday and Saturday 10:00 to 5:00 pm.
Circulation desks will close 15 minutes before closing each day.
Patron computers will be shut down 15 minutes before closing times.


An application form and 2 forms of ID are required for new patrons. Applications also available at the library
Smithfield residents must show proof of residency (i.e. current city bill, utility statement...)
Non-residents of Smithfield are required to pay an annual fee.
25.00 single applicant (limit of 10 items per visit) or $50.00 family yearly fee (30 items per visit).


Books (print and digital) are checked out for 3 weeks and can be renewed once (excluding new books).
Back-issue magazines and music CD's may be checked out for 1 week. Current issues cannot be checked out.
Movies may be checked out for 3 weeks (by adults only) and can be renewed once.
Reference materials cannot be checked out.
Unavailable materials may be put on hold. Holds shall be filled in the order they appear in the holds queue. Patrons have 5 business days to pick up their holds after they have been notified by the library.


Inter-Library Loan is a service provided to Smithfield Public Library patrons when materials cannot be obtained through local sources.
Failure to pick-up materials obtained through ILL will result in a $2.00 fine.
Only 2 ILL items may be requested by a patron at any one time.
The due dates on ILL items are set by the lending library and cannot be renewed.


Patrons will be responsible for picking up and returning materials to the lending library  (ID is required)
Patrons will be responsible for all fees/fines accrued at the lending library.
Patrons with a $5.00+ fine at any of the NCLC libraries will not be permitted to check out materials until the fines are paid.
Due date of materials is set by the lending library and cannot be renewed.
Holds on off-site materials will be made through the patron's home library.
All policies of each NCLC library will be followed.


When returning materials, materials should be returned through the library book drop, located outside the entrance.


Patrons will make restitution for any damages to or lost library materials.
Patrons who accrue fines over $5.00 will not be able to check out any materials until fines are paid.
Overdue print or digital materials will incur a .05 cent per item per day fine, with a maximum of $3.00 per item.
Overdue movies will incur a $1.00 per item per day fine, with a maximum of $3.00 per item.


The library telephone is not for public use.
An atmosphere of study is required at the library.
No roller skates, skateboards, or bicycles are allowed in the library.
Parents must not leave their children, under age 8, unattended.
Patrons whose conduct is not in accordance to library policy will be asked to leave.


Patrons will sign in at the librarian's desk before using the computers. By doing so they are agreeing to follow the internet policy.
There is a 1 hour time limit on computer use for adult patrons. Librarians can increase that time, upon request and at their discretion, if there are no other patrons waiting for the computer.
Patrons between the ages of 11-17 are required to be accompanied by an adult or have a minor-internet disclaimer form (which can be obtained at the circulation desk) filled out and signed by a parent/guardian.
Patrons (10 and under) must use the Children's Computer Lab (on the main floor) and may have 30-minutes of computer time. Librarians can increase that time limit by 30 minutes, upon request and at their discretion, if no other patrons are waiting for a computer. Children (10 and under) are required to be accompanied by and adult or have a minor internet disclaimer form (which can be obtained at the children's circulation desk) filled out and signed by a parent/guardian.
Modifying library computer settings or files or attempting to access library systems, will result in immediate loss of computer privileges.
It is prohibited for any patron to use the internet access for any illegal or criminal purposes, including accessing pornographic or obscene material, or sites that would be offensive to other patrons.
Smithfield Public Library has in place the operation of technology protection measures that protect against access to visual obscene depictions that are pornography. Filtering software will provide internet safety for all library computers connected to the internet. However, library staff may disable a technology protection measure, at the patrons request, for an adult patron to enable access for research and other lawful purposes (UCA 9-7-215)/
The library will honor patrons privacy regarding internet use. Personal information regarding sites accessed legally will no be shared with others.
Hovering over others while waiting for a computer, or other types of harassment, will not be permitted.


Internet policies will be posted so patrons can view them before using the computers
Before each session, patrons will need to sign in at the librarian's desk, by doing so they are agreeing to follow the libraries internet policies
Patrons will be limited to 30 minutes of computer use daily. If more time is required by a patron they may make a request to the librarian for an additional 30 minutes, if computers are available
Access to the internet at the library is primarily for research and educational purposes. Patrons needing the internet for these reasons will be given priority over other users as determined by the librarian
Failure to use the internet station appropriately and/or in compliance with these policies will result in the immediate revocation of computer privileges.


The Smithfield Public Library uses iBoss software to block many websites with graphic, extreme or obscene materials. This policy follows the restrictions to materials considered to be obscene under the criteria established by 20 U.S.C. Sec. 9101, Utah Code Sec. 76-5a-2, and Utah Code Sec. 76-10-1201.
Patrons may still come across information that may be personally offensive or objectionable.
It is the responsibility of a parent/guardian, not library staff, to monitor and direct what is accessed/viewed by a minor through the library internet connection.
The library cannot control technical problems that may interfere with the accessibility of some sites.
Failure to use the internet stations appropriately and/or in compliance with these policies will result in the immediate revocation of library computer/internet privilege's.


Librarians and staff have been trained concerning these policies and have the authority to see that they are enforced

These policies have gone into effect June 1, 2016

Reviewed and evaluated by the Smithfield Public Library Board 10/2020