Storm Water

Storm Water is the water from rain and snow that runs off the land and enters ditches, canals, streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Storm Water can pick up chemicals, oil and grease, pesticides, metals, and other contaminants that are a major source of water pollution and can pose a threat to public health and the environment. 
Many people think our storm water flows into our sewer treatment facility. This is not true. The water that runs off your yard, driveway, fields, parking lots, etc., goes directly to the rivers, streams, creeks, canals, ditches, ponds, and reservoirs in Cache Valley. As it flows, it collects pollutants that are damaging to our important water resources. Even though many of us don’t live close to water bodies, the things we do can affect the water quality. You’ve probably heard the saying, "we all live downstream," but do you know what it means? It means that the water in your home comes from somewhere—if people pollute water bodies eventually that water will become the same water that flows into your home.
There are several water bodies in Cache Valley that are polluted and no longer provide clean water. These water bodies are not a lost cause. With a little effort, you can help restore the water quality throughout our watershed. A good place for all of us to start is in our own neighborhoods. It affects you and your family, but you can make a difference. Below are a few tips that can make a huge difference without costing any money!

•Much of the litter deposited on our streets gets washed down the storm drain. This litter ends up in our rivers and lakes.
•Garbage does not belong in our water bodies. Things we have found in our water include tires, mattresses, tarps, toys, bags, lawn chairs, and dead animals. These belong in the landfill.
•Put litter in its place, use the garbage can.

•Use pesticides responsibly. Follow manufacturer's instructions and do not over apply.
•Don't spray on windy days. 
•Do not spray directly onto streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, or close to any water bodies.
•Pesticides don't only kill weeds and harmful insects, they can kill aquatic life.

•Fertilizers and yard waste, such as grass clippings or leaves that are swept down our storm drains contribute to the amount of nutrients in our rivers and lakes. The increased nutrient levels can harm fish and other wildlife.
•We can improve water quality by sweeping up fertilizers and clippings off our sidewalks and driveways to prevent them from running into storm drains.
•Do not blow yard waste into the street.
•Green waste, such a leaves, lawn clippings, and branches, can be disposed at the Logan landfill free of charge.

Construction Waste
•Runoff from construction and development sites must be clean water only.
•Vehicles and equipment must not track mud from the construction site.
•Keep dust to a minimum.

•Oil and antifreeze leaking from our cars can enter the waterways.
•Improper oil disposal and leaking cars put 17 times more oil into the environment than the Exxon Valdez did when it crashed.
•Antifreeze is poison.
•Please dispose of oil and antifreeze in certified oil disposal locations and fix leaking cars.
•If oil or antifreeze is spilled, contain it, clean it up, and dispose of it properly.

Hazardous Waste
•Washing paint brushes and dumping cleaners in the rain gutters can introduce mercury, lead, and other toxins into our waterways.
•Wash your automobile on the lawn instead of on the driveway. The grass actually entraps the soap and other chemicals and does not allow them to get to the gutter.

Pet Waste
•Pet or animal waste is raw sewage.
•Pet waste left on our sidewalks and walking trails will eventually end up in our rivers and lakes.
•Clean up and dispose of your pet's waste