Phone: (435) 792-7994
Email: Brian Boudrero
Address: 96 South Main | Smithfield, UT 84335
Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. | Mon-Thurs Closed Fridays.
To build in Smithfield City, you will need a zoning clearance in addition to a county building permit. Zoning clearances are issued by the city planning and zoning department and can be found under the “Forms” tab on the home page of the city website. The zoning clearance must be approved prior to requesting application from the county building department. Please visit the Cache County Building Department website by following the provided link.
Land Use Code
Smithfield City Land-Use Code can be found in in Section 17 “Zoning Regulations” and Section 16 “Subdivision Regulations” of the City Municipal Code.
“This title is designed and enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and welfare, and promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace and good order, comfort, convenience, and aesthetics of the present and future inhabitants and businesses of Smithfield, Utah, including, among other things, the lessening of congestion in the streets or roads, securing safety from fire and other dangers, providing adequate light and air, protecting the tax base, securing economy in governmental expenditures, fostering the city's commercial and industrial growth and the protection of both residential and nonresidential development.”
“The purpose and intent of the subdivision ordinance is to regulate the platting and recording of subdivisions of land in Smithfield. This title is designed to inform the subdivider and public of the requirements and conditions necessary to obtain approval of a subdivision.”
Permitted Land-Use
Smithfield City uses a matrix table to display allowable and conditional uses for each zone, it also lists non-allowable uses for individual zones. To use the chart, find your area on the Zoning Map located in the following link: MAPS. The Zone abbreviations are listed across the top row of the Use Chart. Look down the column for the uses allowed in that zone.
Review and Approval Process
Residential and commercial site plans (new homes, commercial buildings, accessory buildings, remodels, additions) requiring a zoning clearance, are reviewed by the city staff which includes zoning, engineering, and the fire department, unless they require a conditional-use permit. Conditional-Use permits are reviewed and approved by the Land Use Authority. In Smithfield, the land-use authority is the City Council.
Subdivision plats are reviewed and processed by city staff, and reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at the preliminary and final phases. The City Council ultimately reviews and approves all final plats.
Contact Information
Contact Brian Boudrero via email at or by phone at (435) 792-7989 concerning any additional land-use information.