Annual Day of Service - "Team Up to Clean Up"

Saturday, April 30, 2022 - 8:00am

"Team Up to Clean Up"

The annual day of service will be held on Saturday, April 30th. 

More information will be posted as this event gets closer. 

We are hoping residents will clean up their yards and help their neighbors clean up their yards. 

The goal is to have the city in tip top shape for Health Days. 

From Fire Chief Jay Downs: We are asking everyone to take this opportunity to look around your home and neighborhood and eliminate any fire hazards that may be there. Are there tree branches that have fallen? Is there trash that has been accumulating over the winter? Is there dry grass that has grown too long? Is there old wood and debris left lying around? 

All these items could be considered as a Fire Hazard and should be removed. By signing up to help with the Annual Day of Service we can capture your time spent removing these fire hazards. These hours can be used for Smithfield City's obligation for the Wildland Mitigation Assessment agreement with the State Division of Natural Resources.  Our goal is at least 150 fire prevention service hours during this event.